Friday, August 26, 2011

Something's Fishy

Considering it's Friday, I have to say it was a pretty productive day.  Elizabeth went to school, Steve and I got some bills paid and ran some errands, had lunch at a yummy diner, fixed our rickety porch steps and picked up Elizabeth from school.  In between I even managed to get a couple boxes of scrapbook stuff unpacked (are you happy now Karen?) LOL :)  After retreiving our offspring from the learning institution, we decided to take another drive to Red Lodge to do some fishing in Greenough Lake.

We met some of the locals and fed them a few worms.  Funny story; I later saw two of them literally tug-o-warring over some fish guts. 
It was hilarious! And disgusting.

Fish heads, fish heads
roly poly fish heads.
Fish heads, fish heads
eat them up, yum!

         Fish juice in my mouth...yummy :P 

 Not a bad haul, huh?  We caught a few more than 10 Brook Trout (about four each) but released a few who weren't hooked too badly.  Afterwards we walked back to the truck and got drenched in a storm.  The End.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I love that fish juice in the mouth picture. Haha
