Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Relay Fun!

I'm going to get serious for a moment.  As most of you know, I am a volunteer for the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.  You know this because, chances are, you've gotten a letter, email, text, telegram, or carrier pigeon containing a donation request from me.  Now, I realize how hard you work for your money; how hard it is to go without the things you want.  However, I also know how hard it is to hear a diagnosis, to watch a friend suffer and to say good-bye to a loved one.  To me, there is no comparison.

Relay 2006
On February 14, 1998 my friend Dawn was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, or ALL.  Valentine's Day.  At the age of 20.  I can't begin to imagine what went through her mind sitting in the hospital hearing those dreaded words, 'You've got cancer'.

After three rounds of chemotherapy, a failed experimental treatment and a bone marrow transplant in Iowa City, a last ditch effort and 10 months in the hospital, Dawn went into remission in June 2000.  During her stay in the hospital, Dawn missed the 4th of July, her 23rd birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.  Thanks to the encouragement and support of the oncology team (and a day pass), Dawn participated in her first Relay For Life event, finishing her first Survivors' Lap in a wheelchair just five months after her transplant.

That is why I Relay.

My Relay Family

 It has been my pleasure and honor these past 12 years to serve as a volunteer for the American Cancer Society.  Each year, during our Survivors' Lap, I get to see hundreds of people, a sea of purple shirts, walk their first, fifth and even last laps.  These people, these survivors, are a reminder of why I send out those letters, bake all those cupcakes and stay up all night; to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

So this year, when that pigeon is tapping on your window, please take a moment to think about your friends and family, neighbors, co-workers or even your family pet who may have been diagnosed.  Think about why you've been asked to participate in this incredible opportunity.  Think, 'Yes, I can help'.

Please share my passion by visiting our website at
and support the American Cancer Society Relay For Life!

P.S. Since beginning to write this blog a few days ago, my dad Bill passed away due to complications from prostate cancer.  As my half sister Deana continues her fight against breast cancer, I ask that you find it in your heart to help those that have passed, those that are fighting and those that have yet to be diagnosed.

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