Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One, One Hilarious School...Ah, Ah, Ah!

Ok, so since yesterday was Labor Day we decided to go on a little drive.  This time going East instead of West.  We came to a little town that, although I have heard of, probably barely makes a dot on the map.  Although I still don't know much about Belfry, MT, I do know that someone who lived there had a fantastic sense of humor.

While driving through town (I almost missed it because I blinked), I couldn't help but notice their school looked very similar to the one I myself graduated from.

Beautiful old bricks, grand entrance with just a hint of prison to it.  Very nice.  Now, here is where the funny part comes in.  Upon further inspection of the magnificent school, I began laughing hysterically after reading their signage:

LOL!  For those of you a little slower, let me explain that a belfry, as defined by Webster's dictionary, is a bell tower; usually attached to a church.  Get it; bats in the belfry!!  Which also made me think of Count from Sesame Street (hence the blog title; you're welcome, Chris).

So as you can see, sometimes it's the little things that humor us the most.  Well, at least for me :)

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