Today was Open House at Elizabeth's school so like a good little mommy, I trudged down there, camera in hand to immortilize the momentous occasion.
First, we visited Elizabeth's classroom where she showed me her desk which
included a lovely sentiment of our late kitty, Norman.
Next, she showed me the state-of-the-art Smart Board where we discovered only one person at a time can write and if you pick up the eraser, you can erase with the stylus. I have to say this is pretty high tech for a first grade class and I'm a little jealous since I had to sit through years of inhaling chalk dust.
We then made our way around the classroom where Elizabeth showed me a
fabulous likeness of herself and the comfy reading area.
Disregard her expression, someone accidentally
interrupted out photo session :(
So cute :) |
As we were making our way out of the classroom, we snapped a
picture of Elizabeth with her teacher, Mrs. A!
Next, we headed out in the hall to see Elizabeth's locker.
She is very excited to have her own locker :)
Off to the library!!
Yo ho, me hearties! Here be the pirates who represent a readin' program where the sprogs earn points for each book they read and can earn a chest full of booty at the end of the year!! Arrgh!! (Sorry, couldn't resist).
Next we visited the gym and the lunchroom, which doubles as the music room.
Finally, Elizabeth showed me her favorite spot...the playground :)
Again with the photo interruptions...nice face!
It's always nice to see where your child is spending seven hours a day without you! I look forward to spending many more hours up to my elbows in Elmer's glue and Crayola markers :)